Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Champions Decide in Advance!

Champions Decide in Advance!

Champions know what they want and they decide in advance what actions
they are going to take to get it.

High achievers predict their future by creating it…everyday.

D.I.A.=>Decide in Advance...

Simply meaning to look into your future and decide exactly what you
want and what you are willing do to get it.

Achievers know that success isn’t a matter of luck, it is a matter of deciding what you want and then going for it. When you decide you want a life filled with health, wealth and happiness, you begin to attract all the things that lead you in the direction of your dreams.

Earl Nightingale says: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

The more you think about what you want in your future, whether you’re looking at tomorrow, the next few weeks or the next few years, the greater chance you have of making your life better.

The more you focus on the Champion you want to be, the more likely you will
become that Champion. Thoughts lead to Action...Actions lead to Results!

Black Belt Champions decide in advance that they are going to achieve greatness in the Martial Arts. Some seek higher levels of skills and ability in combative application, while others seek excellence in their performance skills.

Either way, you must decide in advance what you want, and then commit to making it happen. Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!

So everyone, Champions Decide in Advanced!

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